
How Importance Is SEO?

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

4 Important Tips When You Are Finished Installing WordPress

Some tips after installing WordPress

WordPress is one of the blog’s most popular management, began to create a simple blog, website, web ads, and blogs to generate income from the internet. If you use wordpress and install is complete, there are some tips you can do to optimize it.
Some of the following tips can be influential to search engine optimization, ease of managing a blog, blog security, influence on readers and others. What are the tips that can be done?

1.    Change the default default wordpress permalink

Permalink is an arrangement of links that will be generated when we write articles on wordpress. Suppose I wrote an article titled “Tips wordpress easy” to category “Blogging”. So by default, WordPress will make sususan permalinknya be as follows:
http://wordpressmind.com//?p=123 (123 is the order of our posts)
It’s certainly not good for the search engines, it would be better if the arrangement becomes
To change this, open the Settings menu> Permalinks, then the section “Common settings” select “Custom Structure” and can be loaded with
/% category% /% postname% /

2.   Upload image Change location

By default, WordPress will place the image (picture) in the folder “wp-contents/uploads” and will develop according to the month and the date we upload the image. If the post has a lot, and uploaded images too much, it will produce a lot of folders. Besides the image link will also be longer.
It is therefore better images put together in a separate folder and or just remove the check mark Organize my uploads into month-and year-based folders on the menu Settings> Miscellaneous

 3.   Remove WordPress version information

For more security, the following line of code should be eliminated (in header.php)
<meta name = “generator” content = “WordPress <? php bloginfo (‘version’);?>” />
Because if known and unknown version of wordpress has cracks weakness, it would be easily exploited by irresponsible people. Especially if you are using old versions

 4.   Remove posting sample

Do not forget to delete the sample post, or comments on the page about wordpress and wrote descriptions of web or blog. If you want to display a page about (the Manage> Pages), replace it or adjust it. For the blog description on the menu Settings> General section “Tagline”.

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