
How Importance Is SEO?

Thursday, January 31, 2013

Rich snippets | structured data | Microdata | Microformats and RDFa

Rich snippets and structured data, Microdata, Microformats and RDFa 

How to design a rich snippets and structure html data for you webpage

What is snippets?

The few lines of text markup that seem beneath each search result area unit designed to convey users a way for what’s on the page and why it’s relevant to their question.  These made snippets facilitate users acknowledge once your web site has relevancy to their search, and should end in additional more clicks to your pages.

Three markup formats in we can design rich snippets structure data :-
1. Microdata 
 Microdata uses straight forward attributes in markup language tags (often  or ) to assign transient and descriptive names to things and properties.   To create associate item, the itemscope attribute is utilized. The itemprop attribute is utilized on one in every of the item\'s descendants. the kind for associate item is given as a result of the price of associate itemtype attribute on an identical part as a result of the itemscope attribute.
HTML marked up with microdata example:-
<div itemscope itemtype="http://schema.org/Person"> 
  My name is <span itemprop="name">SEO Traffic engine</span> 
  and my website url
Microdata generator Tool
You can use microdata generator tool for design rich snippets in microdata format. 
Information:- Microdata only support html5 and css3 version in you can design rich snippets and structure data.

2. Microformats
Microformats are easy conventions (known as entities) used on web content to explain a particular sort of data.  Microformats use the category attribute in hypertext markup language tags (often  <span> or <div> ) to assign temporary and descriptive names to entities and their properties and vcard, hcard, span class tag to define CreativeWork, Organization, Event, music,  Person, Place and Product.
HTML marked up with microformats example:-
<div class="vcard">
   <img class="photo" src="http://lh6.googleusercontent.com/-Z327GXoKPWk/AAAAAAAAAAI/AAAAAAAAADY/0oZ7Chf-6BM/s512-c/photo.jpg" alt="SEO traffic engine />
   <strong class="fn">jiten3patel</strong>
   <span class="title">SEO</span> at <span class="org">SEo Traffic Engine Reviews</span>
   <span class="adr"> DEL</span>
Microformats generator Tool
You can use Microformats generator tool for design rich snippets in microformats. 
Information:- Microformats support all html and css version.

3. RDFa 
 RDFa could be a thanks to label content to explain a selected sort of info, like a building review, an event, a person, or a product listing. These info sorts square measure known as entities or things. every entity includes a variety of properties. RDFa uses straightforward attributes in XHTML tags (often  or ) to assign temporary and descriptive names to entities and properties. You can use the entities and their properties xmlns:v,typeof and span property.
XHTML marked up with RDFa example:-
<div xmlns:v="http://rdf.data-vocabulary.org/" typeof="v:Person">
  My name is <span property="v:name">jiten3patel</span>, 
Here is my homepage: 
   at <span property="v:affiliation">SEO Traffic Engine</span>.
RDFa generator Tool
You can use RDFa generator tool for design rich snippets in RDFa.
Information:- RDFa only support all xml and xhtml version.

Markup your content specific types:-         
1. CreativeWork
2. Event 
3. Intangible
4. MedicalEntity
5. Organization
6. Person
7. Place
8. Product 
and for sub types go on schema.org website.

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